March 9th, 2025

Protaras Weather

Current Protaras Weather

Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny
Feels like 18°
Humidity: 72%
Dew Point: 14°
Cloud Cover: 30%
Pressure: 1013 hPa
Visibility: 16 km
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind: SSW 4 bft
UV Index: 2

Protaras weather in the next hours

16:00 Partly sunny 20°
17:00 Intermittent clouds 19°
18:00 Intermittent clouds 18°
19:00 Intermittent clouds 17°
20:00 Intermittent clouds 15°
21:00 Intermittent clouds 13°
22:00 Intermittent clouds 12°
23:00 Mostly cloudy 12°
00:00 Mostly cloudy 12°
01:00 Mostly cloudy 12°
02:00 Intermittent clouds 12°
03:00 Intermittent clouds 11°

Protaras Weather Today

Sunday, Mar. 9th
Clouds and sunny spells
Clouds and sunny spells
Sunrise: 06:01
Chance of Rain: 1%
Wind: NE 3 bft
Areas of low clouds
Partly cloudy this evening followed by areas of low clouds
Sunset: 17:46
Chance of Rain: 3%
Wind: WNW 2 bft

Protaras Weather Forecast

Monday, Mar. 10th
Decreasing clouds
After a cloudy start, sunshine returns
Sunrise: 06:00
Chance of Rain: 2%
Wind: SW 3 bft
Increasing clouds
Increasing clouds
Sunset: 17:47
Chance of Rain: 1%
Wind: WNW 2 bft
Tuesday, Mar. 11th
Decreasing clouds
After a cloudy start, sunshine returns
Sunrise: 05:58
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: ESE 3 bft
Mainly cloudy
Mainly cloudy
Sunset: 17:48
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: W 2 bft
Wednesday, Mar. 12th
Partly sunny and delightful
Partly sunny and delightful
Sunrise: 05:57
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: ENE 3 bft
Clear to partly cloudy
Clear to partly cloudy
Sunset: 17:49
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NNE 2 bft
Thursday, Mar. 13th
Pleasantly warm with sunshine
Mostly sunny and pleasantly warm
Sunrise: 05:56
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NE 3 bft
Increasing clouds
Increasing clouds
Sunset: 17:49
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NNW 2 bft

Protaras Extended Weather Forecast

Friday, Mar. 14th
Intermittent clouds
27° / 11°
Cloudy to start with, then sunshine returns and very warm
Sunrise: 05:54
Sunset: 17:50
Wind: NW 2 bft
Saturday, Mar. 15th
24° / 13°
Warm with plenty of sunshine
Sunrise: 05:53
Sunset: 17:51
Wind: S 2 bft
Sunday, Mar. 16th
Mostly cloudy
28° / 18°
Mainly cloudy and very warm
Sunrise: 05:51
Sunset: 17:52
Wind: NNE 1 bft
Monday, Mar. 17th
Intermittent clouds
26° / 18°
Sun through high clouds and very warm
Sunrise: 05:50
Sunset: 17:53
Wind: ENE 1 bft
Tuesday, Mar. 18th
Intermittent clouds
25° / 17°
Warm with clouds giving way to some sun
Sunrise: 05:49
Sunset: 17:54
Wind: W 2 bft
Wednesday, Mar. 19th
Partly sunny
25° / 14°
Remaining warm with sunny periods
Sunrise: 05:47
Sunset: 17:54
Wind: W 2 bft
Thursday, Mar. 20th
Mostly sunny
23° / 13°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 05:46
Sunset: 17:55
Wind: NW 2 bft
Friday, Mar. 21st
Partly sunny
22° / 11°
Partly sunny
Sunrise: 05:44
Sunset: 17:56
Wind: S 2 bft
Saturday, Mar. 22nd
Mostly sunny
22° / 12°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 05:43
Sunset: 17:57
Wind: ENE 2 bft
Sunday, Mar. 23rd
Partly sunny
18° / 12°
The odd shower in the morning; otherwise, broken cloud and sunny spells
Sunrise: 05:42
Sunset: 17:58
Wind: SW 2 bft

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