May 6th, 2024

Limassol Weather

Current Limassol Weather

Mostly clear
Mostly clear
Feels like 13°
Humidity: 71%
Dew Point:
Cloud Cover: 30%
Pressure: 1007 hPa
Visibility: 16 km
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind: W 1 bft
UV Index: 0

Limassol weather in the next hours

06:00 Mostly sunny 12°
07:00 Sunny 14°
08:00 Sunny 17°
09:00 Sunny 20°
10:00 Mostly sunny 21°
11:00 Partly sunny 23°
12:00 Mostly cloudy w/ showers 24°
13:00 Intermittent clouds 24°
14:00 Partly sunny 23°
15:00 Mostly cloudy w/ showers 22°
16:00 Mostly sunny 23°
17:00 Mostly sunny 23°

Limassol Weather Today

Monday, May. 6th
Partly sunny with a shower
Partly sunny with a shower in spots
Sunrise: 05:51
Chance of Rain: 45%
Wind: SW 3 bft
Sunset: 19:37
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NW 2 bft

Limassol Weather Forecast

Tuesday, May. 7th
Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny and pleasant; breezy in the afternoon
Sunrise: 05:50
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: SW 3 bft
Sunset: 19:37
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: N 2 bft
Wednesday, May. 8th
Sunny and pleasant
Pleasant with a full day of sunshine
Sunrise: 05:49
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: S 2 bft
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Sunset: 19:38
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NE 2 bft
Thursday, May. 9th
Sunrise: 05:48
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: SW 2 bft
Mainly clear
Mainly clear
Sunset: 19:39
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NNE 2 bft
Friday, May. 10th
Sun through high clouds
Sun through high clouds
Sunrise: 05:48
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: E 3 bft
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Sunset: 19:40
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NNE 2 bft

Limassol Extended Weather Forecast

Saturday, May. 11th
Partly sunny
25° / 16°
Breezy; sun and areas of high clouds in the morning, then partly sunny in the afternoon with a shower in the area
Sunrise: 05:47
Sunset: 19:41
Wind: W 4 bft
Sunday, May. 12th
Partly sunny
23° / 17°
A morning shower in spots; otherwise, partly sunny
Sunrise: 05:46
Sunset: 19:41
Wind: W 3 bft
Monday, May. 13th
Mostly sunny
23° / 19°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 05:45
Sunset: 19:42
Wind: WSW 2 bft
Tuesday, May. 14th
Mostly sunny
23° / 19°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 05:44
Sunset: 19:43
Wind: WSW 2 bft
Wednesday, May. 15th
26° / 15°
A full day of sunshine
Sunrise: 05:44
Sunset: 19:44
Wind: W 2 bft
Thursday, May. 16th
Mostly sunny
26° / 15°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 05:43
Sunset: 19:44
Wind: WNW 2 bft
Friday, May. 17th
Intermittent clouds
26° / 15°
Sun and clouds
Sunrise: 05:42
Sunset: 19:45
Wind: W 2 bft
Saturday, May. 18th
27° / 16°
Plenty of sunshine
Sunrise: 05:42
Sunset: 19:46
Wind: NW 2 bft
Sunday, May. 19th
Partly sunny
24° / 15°
Partly sunny with a thunderstorm in the afternoon
Sunrise: 05:41
Sunset: 19:47
Wind: WSW 2 bft
Monday, May. 20th
Intermittent clouds
24° / 14°
Intervals of clouds and sunshine; a passing morning shower followed by a passing thunderstorm in the afternoon
Sunrise: 05:40
Sunset: 19:47
Wind: S 2 bft

Weather in Limassol

Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus with population of around 180,000 people. The city is also one of the biggest Mediterranean ports for the transportation of goods and people. Limassol plays a vital role in Cyprus economy being an important tourism, trade and service-providing center in the area.

Limassol stretches for more than 10 km along the southern coast between the ancient cities of Kourion and Amathous. On the north of the Limassol city there is the Troodos mountains range. Location on the southern coast means that Limassol has hot summers and mild winters. However, the close proximity of the sea makes summers a bit cooler and winters a bit warmer than inland. In the hottest months of July and August average temperature climbs up to 33°C which is about 4°C less than inland and in the two coldest months, January and February, rarely goes below 18°C at daytime and 9°C at night which is about 2°C warmer than inland.

Average High Temperature
Average Low Temperature
Average Monthly Precipitation (mm)
Average Rain Days

Upcoming events in Limassol District