March 26th, 2025

Nicosia Weather

Current Nicosia Weather

Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
Feels like 10°
Humidity: 70%
Dew Point:
Cloud Cover: 76%
Pressure: 1019 hPa
Visibility: 16 km
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind: W 2 bft
UV Index: 0

Nicosia weather in the next hours

07:00 Cloudy 13°
08:00 Cloudy 17°
09:00 Intermittent clouds 21°
10:00 Partly sunny 23°
11:00 Mostly sunny 25°
12:00 Partly sunny 27°
13:00 Partly sunny 28°
14:00 Intermittent clouds 27°
15:00 Intermittent clouds 27°
16:00 Mostly cloudy 26°
17:00 Cloudy 24°
18:00 Cloudy 22°

Nicosia Weather Today

Wednesday, Mar. 26th
Very warm with sunny periods
Very warm with sunny periods
Sunrise: 05:40
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NW 3 bft
Becoming cloudy
Becoming cloudy
Sunset: 18:03
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: NW 2 bft

Nicosia Weather Forecast

Thursday, Mar. 27th
Cloudy and very warm
Cloudy and very warm
Sunrise: 05:39
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: E 3 bft
Clouds breaking; mild
Clouds breaking; mild
Sunset: 18:04
Chance of Rain: 0%
Wind: ESE 2 bft
Friday, Mar. 28th
Very warm with sunny periods
Remaining very warm with sunny periods
Sunrise: 05:37
Chance of Rain: 1%
Wind: ESE 3 bft
Clear; breezy late
Clear; breezy late
Sunset: 18:04
Chance of Rain: 1%
Wind: WNW 3 bft
Saturday, Mar. 29th
Mostly cloudy and not as warm
Mostly cloudy and not as warm
Sunrise: 05:36
Chance of Rain: 3%
Wind: NW 3 bft
Mainly clear
Mainly clear
Sunset: 18:05
Chance of Rain: 4%
Wind: SE 2 bft
Sunday, Mar. 30th
Partly sunny, a few showers
Partly sunny with occasional showers
Sunrise: 06:35
Chance of Rain: 69%
Wind: WNW 3 bft
Sunset: 19:06
Chance of Rain: 1%
Wind: SW 2 bft

Nicosia Extended Weather Forecast

Monday, Mar. 31st
Mostly sunny
23° / 14°
Mostly sunny and pleasant
Sunrise: 06:33
Sunset: 19:07
Wind: ESE 3 bft
Tuesday, Apr. 1st
Mostly sunny
24° / 12°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 06:32
Sunset: 19:08
Wind: WNW 2 bft
Wednesday, Apr. 2nd
Partly sunny
24° / 14°
Sunny periods
Sunrise: 06:30
Sunset: 19:08
Wind: SE 1 bft
Thursday, Apr. 3rd
Intermittent clouds
26° / 13°
Periods of sunshine
Sunrise: 06:29
Sunset: 19:09
Wind: NNW 1 bft
Friday, Apr. 4th
Mostly sunny
24° / 13°
Sunny to partly cloudy
Sunrise: 06:28
Sunset: 19:10
Wind: W 2 bft
Saturday, Apr. 5th
Partly sunny
24° / 12°
Partly sunny
Sunrise: 06:26
Sunset: 19:11
Wind: ESE 1 bft
Sunday, Apr. 6th
24° / 13°
Sunrise: 06:25
Sunset: 19:12
Wind: N 2 bft
Monday, Apr. 7th
25° / 14°
Long periods of sunshine
Sunrise: 06:24
Sunset: 19:12
Wind: W 2 bft
Tuesday, Apr. 8th
Mostly cloudy
21° / 12°
Mostly cloudy
Sunrise: 06:22
Sunset: 19:13
Wind: WNW 1 bft
Wednesday, Apr. 9th
Mostly sunny
20° / 12°
Mostly sunny
Sunrise: 06:21
Sunset: 19:14
Wind: W 1 bft

Weather in Nicosia

Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus for about one thousand years, is the largest city on the island. It is the administrative center as well as the main business, cultural, educational and religious center of Cyprus. The heart of Nicosia is surrounded by the Venetian walls and has a number of museums, art galleries, Byzantine churches and other places of interest.

Geographically, Nicosia is located almost in the center of the island at an altitude of about 162 meters above sea level. The inland location means that the city is not influenced by the Mediterranean Sea at the same degree as the coastal cities. For this reason, summers in Nicosia are hotter and winters are colder than on the coast, and differences between day maximum and night minimum temperatures are larger. In July and August average daytime temperature reaches 37°C which is 4°C to 7°C more than in the cities along the coastline, and drops to 22°C at night. In January and February, that are the coldest months of the year, temperatures go down to 16°C at daytime and 6°C at night which is 2°C-3°C less than on the coast.

Average High Temperature
Average Low Temperature
Average Monthly Precipitation (mm)
Average Rain Days

Upcoming events in Nicosia District